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The Gipsy Hill Smokehouse

Spit Roast Catering tailored to your needs

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Early Days

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The Feast

Our mission - To bring joy and happiness through connection, creativity and culinary delights.

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Scan this with your phone camera

We can help you organise your event

If you are viewing this site on your phone click here.


You will go to a You Tube video.


The presentation will show you how we can supply you with a way to invite your guests, receive RSVPs with all the dietary requirements and provide your guests with all the information that they will need for your event.


It provides you with a simple tailor made personalised app that you can send out using WhatsApp or as a link in an email to your friends and family.


More information will be provided in the You Tube Video. You can also visit this site for more information.


It is a simple way and we will support you all the way in setting it up with all the information you want to send out and show you how to send it to everyone.



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